First review for Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon 
The first review is up on Goodreads and it’s a 5 of 5. Well, not a review exactly, but a rating and a note that the review will come, and the second part of the story is “awesome”. I like that word.

While I’m talking about Goodreads, after 15 ratings and 8 reviews, the Goodreads average for Safeword: Davenport is 4.33. I am also thrilled to be on the number two spot at Bookstrand in the Multiple Partners category, and number ten at Smashwords.

I have two contests going right now for a chance to win your choice of Safeword: Davenport or Safeword: Matte. Just scroll down the main page for the two blog hop posts.