Safeword Magazine

Safeword: Rainbow is being featured in this month’s edition of Safeword Magazine. If you aren’t familiar with this online magazine, that’s okay, neither was I. But now that I am, I’m very impressed with not only the content, but the way they content is presented.  There is music though, so it’s probably not a good idea to go there at work. There is a section this month about safewords, and they use an excerpt of Safeword: Rainbow in the midst of it. To say I’m flattered would be an understatement.

Safeword: Storm Clouds is reviewed by the Deviant Divas

I would like to thank the Divas at Deviant Divas Erotic Book Reviews for their review of Safeword: Storm Clouds. Some of the Diva’s liked it more than others – here are a few of the nice things said: Well now if I had realized vampire stories could be as hot as Candace Blevin’s “Safeword storm clouds” then I would have explored this genre ages ago. The main characters Kendra and Eric are both believable and sympathetic. I cared about what happened to them and wanted them to sort out their issues and relationship. I wanted them to get their fairytale ending. I even liked the ambiguity of the ending because it may indicate a sequel and I could read more both from this author and about these characters. Ms Blevin gets to the emotional heart of her characters as they struggle with the notion of submission and the conflict involved when two Dominants try to form a relationship. She also handles the difficulties of cross cultural relationships, in this case Vampire and human, with sensitivity. Safeword Stormcloud was not the typical bdsm vampire erotica. I was expecting the same clichéé read in previous books. Kendra and Eric are two characters coming from opposite worlds. Both are dominants by nature and clash. This gives the book some meat. I love the conflict of vampire versus human issues and the sensual(hmmuhmm good sex)! Candace Blevin did a remarkable job. All in all I’m pleased with the review. Of the five reviewers I received three ratings of 4, one rating of 3, and one rating of 2, for a total of three and a half Divas. The person who gave me a 2 appears to not enjoy the whole power exchange thing, and I fully understand someone who doesn’t get into the […]

Reduced Price on both Safeword books

Both Safeword: Rainbow and  Safeword: Storm Clouds are now $3.99 at Amazon and Bookstrand. As the publishers figure out the new realities of ebooks versus paper books, I don’t think anyone knows what the pricing models should look like. My publisher makes all pricing decisions, and at this point I’m trusting them to price things where they should be. I’m happy to see my books priced a little lower, if that will put them in the hands of more people.